Designing Your Hypnotist Space: Spaces for Serenity

A comforting, serene environment can be a make-or-break element of your hypnosis business. A thoughtfully planned space can make it easier for you to help your clients reach a hypnotic trance, improving your efficacy as a hypnosis practitioner. It can also make your hypnosis business seem more professional and appealing, which will help you bring in and keep more clients.

Too many professional hypnotists focus only on learning hypnosis. They assume that being a great hypnotist is all that is required for success. Of course, that’s a critical part of the process. But don’t neglect the environment in which you operate. Once you’ve become a skilled hypnotherapist, create a fantastic hypnotic space to match your skills. That will set you up for business success.

Here are some tips for creating an environment conducive to hypnosis:

Silence your Cell. And Everything Else.

Aim to control the sounds in your space. That starts with silencing your phone and closing your computer so an Instagram notification doesn’t interrupt a client’s journey to a hypnotic state.

Additionally, consider sounds that come from outside your space. If there is traffic noise or noise from a nearby business, hang heavy curtains to help drown out sounds. Consider playing white noise or soothing music if the noise is still intrusive. If using music, opt for calming, instrumental choices that won’t distract from your words. Many apps and smart home devices offer meditation or massage playlists, often suitable as background music for a hypnotherapy session.


Musty carpet or the grease from the next-door burger joint don’t say, “This is a calm, safe space.” Keep your hypnosis area clean, of course, but that may not be enough to address the issue of scent. If there are still lingering smells after you’ve cleaned, or if you want the overall feel of your space to be more welcoming, consider using candles or essential oils.

If you go that route, use a light touch. Too much of a good thing is still too much. And keep in mind that some clients may be especially sensitive to smells. Specific scents can sometimes trigger unpleasant memories, so proceed with caution. As part of their intake, you can even ask clients if they are sensitive to fragrances and adjust accordingly.

Sometimes, we go “nose-blind” after long-term exposure to scents. It can be helpful to ask a friend to give your hypnosis space a quick sniff. Do they detect any unpleasant odors? Are the fragrances you’ve added too intense or otherwise overwhelming? An outside opinion on smell can provide valuable insights to ensure you get it right for your clients.

Temporary Temperatures.

Everyone has ideas about an ideal temperature, and there can be a great deal of variety in those opinions. Still, you can aim for a mid-range temperature that will be comfortable for most people. You can also ask at the beginning of a session if the temperature is okay and adjust accordingly, though changes to the thermostat don’t create instant temperature shifts. Have a fan in your office to quickly cool things down when clients feel warm. Offer a clean, cozy blanket for anyone feeling chilled.

Comfortable Seating. But not Too Comfortable.

Your client needs to feel comfortable so that they can focus on your words and their thoughts rather than on the growing numbness in their backside. However, they may feel the urge to doze off if they get too comfortable.

Opt for a comfy, upright chair rather than a recliner. Of course, if you have clients with physical challenges, you should adjust accordingly. If they can’t comfortably sit upright for the duration of a session, offer a sofa, recliner, or other seating option that works for their body.

Light as Feather.

Pay attention to your space’s lighting. The room should be bright enough to feel safe and clean but not so bright that it is jarring. You may also find that dimmable lighting is ideal. Leave it somewhat brighter when your client arrives. Once they settle and you are ready to begin hypnosis, you can dim the lights to create a more cozy, relaxed atmosphere.

Color Comfort.

Stick with warm, neutral colors when designing your hypnosis space. Bright pink or deep purple may be fun or evocative, but those colors can make it difficult for a client to relax, especially if they have an aversion to the specific color you’ve chosen. For that reason, stick with basic colors. Imagine a soothing spa environment and decorate your space with a similar color palette.

The space you create for your hypnosis business will set the tone for your sessions. A pleasant, comforting room can help your clients feel safe and at ease. That can be the difference between a successful session–and a repeat client–or someone who struggles to reach a hypnotic state and decides not to return.


Designing Your Hypnotist Space: Spaces for Serenity


Many hypnotists focus only on learning hypnosis, but creating a great hypnotic space to complement your skills is important. This infographic provides tips for creating an environment conducive to hypnosis.

6 Hypnosis Venue Essentials Infographic

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