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Before I even start this week’s episode of the Work Smart Hypnosis Podcast, I wanna call something out here, it’s that sometimes I’ve seen people pop up and it’s as if they feel this need to explain to people why they took a break. Like if they haven’t been emailing their audience, if they haven’t been posting on social media. And couple of things about this. First of all, many of the times that I’ve seen people come back and then say, hey, here’s where I’ve been and here’s what you can look forward to. They then fizzle away once and don’t follow through. Second of all, and here’s my real point, it’s that you really don’t have to do that. In the majority of times that I’ve done consulting with people where, for whatever reason, they took a break and then they came back, what the truth actually is, you could just swoop back into the momentum that you had before and then just kind of act as if you know, pretend as if you had never taken a break. Because in most cases, if you just kind of go back to it, people assume that’s what it was supposed to be. So this whole idea of, like, coming back and explaining why you’ve been away.
And what’s now coming, that’s kind of a story that’s mostly in your head. And if you act as if that was how it was supposed to go, that’s how the audience expects it to go as well. On a related note, this is the Work Smart Hypnosis podcast, session number 440 When to hit the reset button.
Welcome to the Work Smart Hypnosis Podcast with Jason Linett, your professional resource for hypnosis training and outstanding business success. Here’s your host, Jason Linett.
Now, it seems that the year 2024.
Was a bit of a reset year.
For many of us. And I say that in a bit of a correlated metaphor, because over in.
Real estate, over in the housing market.
They wouldn’t necessarily say that the market dropped. They would say that the market’s going through a correction, which is a fancy way of saying the value dropped everywhere. But really, again, correction, where sometimes we have that moment where things get off a certain pathway and need to get back on track. And yes, to call it out, back.
To the introduction of this week’s episode.
It’s been about four months since there was an episode of this podcast. And part of that was I knew that it was time for the program to find a bit of A new voice, a bit of a new focus. And it kind of goes back to a story that I’m going to tell in an extremely encrypted way.
And no, I will not answer your follow up questions, but there was an episode of this Work Smart Hypnosis podcast that I put out that I almost deleted.
And it was an interview where someone came on and talked about their work in a very absolutist, very close minded way. And I didn’t engage, I didn’t ask questions. Not to be provocative and push, but I didn’t ask questions just to really well test their work and see that it was coming from a place of evidence and not just a place of opinion. And rather than delete the episode and pretend, oh no, something happened in the tech, I lost it, I published it. I published it as a punishment to myself. And then the show took a bit of a pause and then it came back. And that’s where this Work Smart Hypnosis podcast program really found its voice. Well, there wasn’t something of that nature with this recent pause, however, I sort of noticed that I was in a different place. The hypnosis community was in a different place, and yes, indeed, the world was in a different place. And I wanted to come back with this theme of when you should hit the reset button in your own life, in your own business, or even both.
So we’re about to dive into a 6 point framework system, six things to be aware of for when you should make that sort of shift in your own life. So excited to be back. We’ve got a bunch of episodes that have already been recorded and are in the pipeline for scheduled release. And I’d also invite you to check out some new stuff we’ve got going on if you head over to worksmarthypnosislive.com, this program has now been reimagined into systems for persuasive hypnosis. And part of the reason behind that shift is that I kept noticing that as hypnotists, we love the methods that we use. And many people would often put their specific methods as if like up on a pedestal and feel that they got results because of the specific method that they used, or this technique is better than that one.
When really, if you look underneath the methods, it turns out that the same core psychological covert persuasion principles repeat themselves. From one method to another. And there’s really only a few sort of foundational, core principles that make all the work that we do effective, whether it’s a hypnotic change method, a hypnotic induction deepeners, basically everything. So my whole focus has always been that when you understand how the method works, but also why it works, that’s when you’re better equipped to customize it specifically to the person in front of you. So this is part of why for this upcoming program, about half of the people are brand new and just beginning.
Their journey, learning hypnosis for the first time and diving in with systems for persuasive hypnosis. And likewise, we’ve also got people who, who are already trained and certified and looking to streamline and better refine the work that they do to get more consistent results. So if you’re curious to check out more, head over to worksmarthypnosislive.com, watch the video, check out the details. In addition to that, oh, this is brand new and we’re excited. Head over to DoitNow.vip and yes, that’s an actual website, www.doitnow.vipĀ This is something that people have been asking for a number of years.
And it’s that now if you’re tired of struggling with the technology of building out your websites or your funnels, or more importantly the automations that make everything run for you even when you’re sleeping, we’re now offering that as a service. I’ll tell you in advance, this is clearly not going to be a fit for everybody though for those of you that are looking to take your message out to a much bigger audience and build greater consistency and growth in your business, check out the details. There’s a couple of videos and an application over at www.doitnow.vip and with that, here we go.
This is session number 440, When to Hit the reset button. I have six points for you to measure when it’s time to hit the reset button. And for some of you, you might need all six. I needed all six. For others of you might just need one. So stick with me here. I share this as a framework. However, you may not need all the ingredients of the recipe here. So first of all, when your procrastination isn’t procrastination. So let’s look at this one for a moment because a lot of people would label a problem as being procrastination. Oh, there’s this thing that I keep putting off. There’s this thing that I keep delaying. Oh, I procrastinate. And that’s the problem. Well, is it? See, here’s something that I’ve learned of myself.
It’s that very often if I end up Procrastinating on something, it’s because there’s a really better reason underneath why there’s something I just don’t want to do.
I’d give a very simple example of.
Something that was a thing in my own business that. That I kept putting off. I kept delaying.
And as I really looked at it, you know, it presented itself as procrastination. And this might be a thing a lot of you need to hear. It’s that as I really looked at.
That specific thing that I kept delaying.
Was the moment that I kind of looked at it and went, you know what? This is a thing that we’re doing.
Because we feel it’s important. However, it’s not really driving any business.
So really the reason I was putting it off was because it was a thing that wasn’t quite working the way that it did before.
And really the solution was I didn’t just need to delay it. I needed to stop it. I needed to cut it out entirely. And as soon as I did that, I’ll tell you, as soon as I did that, you know, it’s the whole.
Moment where the smoke kind of cleared.
And I saw what really needed to happen instead. And as a result of that, things have been stronger, Things have been more consistent, and our success in our business, as well as our client wins have been substantially higher.
So trigger number one of when to hit the reset button when your procrastination isn’t procrastination. The second point here, when the comparison isn’t just comparison. So here’s the thing. There’s a quote that I know I’ve mentioned here before, and it’s a quote that I heard wrong the first time.
That I heard it, because I thought.
The quote was, never compare your beginning to someone else’s end. And it turns out the quote was actually, never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. And I loved that proper version of the quote. Even better, because we’re all on our own individual journeys. We’re all on our own separate adventures. And I mean, even to look at me and the stuff that I do.
Now, I mean, some of you need to hear this next story. I was the person going through a hypnosis training and certification program.
Really was zero interest of actually working with clients. And then it became the thing that was the predominant focus of my life for like, 13 or 14 years. So be flexible, be adaptable along the journey. But this quote about when the comparison isn’t just comparison, and it’s that sometimes when we’re running that comparison of ourselves to others, look deeper. It may not just be about what they’ve done or what they’ve accomplished or what they have or maybe don’t have, or what you have or maybe what you don’t have.
It may be instead, something in terms of a changing of your own values, a shifting of what you find to be important. And again, never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
It may be that you are on aĀ specific pathway that no longer is your specific pathway, which I did not plan this. I’m looking at my notes here of.
Point number three about when to hit the reset button, and holy crap, does this set up for an amazing transition.
And I’ll tell you number three, I should have maybe just done this entire episode just about number three, when the goal is not your goal. When the goal is not your goal. And this shows up in a number of different places, it’s where sometimes in a relationship, you may be moving towards a specific outcome that’s a bit more in the category of should as opposed to what’s right and what ought to be there. Sometimes in your business, you’re going after a goal that you kind of realize isn’t necessarily your goal.
It’s something that aligns with what others.
Tell you that it ought to be. Or sometimes a lot of you need to hear this one. For working with your clients, you cannot want the goal more than your client does. And I’ll tell you my favorite example of this. There’s a friend of mine who, his name is Damon Burton. He runs a company called SEO national, like search engine optimization and National. And it’s something that he has in his contracts for his clients. It’s like a big print, big block letters. It’s a bigger font than the rest of the entire agreement, but it basically says something along the lines of, this is the part you need to read before you sign and pay me.
And it’s where I found myself in a couple of different projects that I did in the last really 12 to 18 months, having to chase people down, having to remind people to do things. And this occurred not just in business arrangements, but also with private clients. You know, if you find yourself in the scenario where you keep having to remind people of things, you keep having to push them, you keep having to nudge, you keep having to reach out to them and go, hey, checking in, you know, hey, when you’re ready to come back. But really when the goal you want isn’t really your goal, that is a major, major moment to then do that reset. I Want to repeat that one more time here. When the goal you want isn’t your goal.
And I’ll tell you a lot of the frustration that I’ve seen hypnotists having.
In working with their own personal clients.
Or even people in different business arrangements. And for those of you who can.
Align with this next anecdote of Remember when you were in high school or.
College and you were partnered up with somebody and it was time to do that student project, and then you ended.
Up carrying most of the weight of that project because the other person didn’t do very much of the work? They did very little. Anyone else out there nodding right now? Yeah. Yeah. So when the goal you want isn’t actually your goal, basically, again, you cannot be in the position of wanting the outcome more than your client does. Now, I’ll tell you, though, sometimes calling this out has been a reset method for other people. Sometimes. I’ve got a story that I’m very intentionally keeping cryptic here.
It’s not even involving the hypnosis industry yet. It’s where I entered into a project with somebody in 2024 that just the amount of poking and nudging and chasing them down to get answers to things was by the end of it, comical, by the end of it, ridiculous. And I finally had to say it. I go, hey, here’s all the things we talked about. And we accomplished just a percentage of it. And it turned out to be a.
Bit of a wake up call that they needed to do their own reset and help to again unlock. Back to point number one, when your procrastination is not procrastination. Maybe one of these days we’ll just do an episode that I just sit.
Here and repeat over and over, hey.
You can’t want the goal more than your client is. Which relates to point number four of when to hit that reset button when you need to stand up for something. I’ll hit it again when you need to stand up for something. I don’t have the original quote. I wrote it down, but I’m pretty sure this might have been a paraphrase. Then again, we might actually know the rap lyric of this quote better. And yes, indeed, here comes your musical theater reference of the episode. It’s where I know, right? Yeah. Alexander Hamilton. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. And yes, in the musical Hamilton, Lin Manuel Miranda rewrote it to be, if you stand for nothing, Burr, what do you fall for? So my version of this again, in.
Terms of when to hit that Reset Button when you need to stand up for something. Now, I’ll talk about this one here.
In a context that most of you would align with, which is there are people who are well known trainers in any industry, not just hypnosis. And when you ask people how was the event, how was the workshop, their response is basically only saying positive things about the person. And here’s a filter that I always look for, what have you done with the information?
There are people who are well known speakers, presenters, trainers, instructors, put them all in the same category. And when you ask, how was the workshop? They only can talk about how nice the person was. And you start to look closer and you realize there really aren’t any student wins. Everybody else is sitting at the feet of the master and pointing up to.
The person and going, look how great they are so when you need to stand up for something, I don’t ever intend to be the person to point a finger And say, this one person is this. However, I do always encourage look closer.
And you want to make sure that the person you’re learning from has actually had their own success. The testimonials they’re sharing are actually about their own business and their own results. And Google is your friend.
Look around. Sometimes you need to have this wake up call to go, hey, wait a minute, there’s not really anyone putting this stuff into use. And it’s all based upon something that, well, here’s where I’m getting at this. And this is again widespread information marketing. The number of people who are teaching principles around high ticket and how to earn money. And these are people who never really did it themselves and only had a high ticket business of their own once.
They could sell you on the idea that you could have one too. Which means they really haven’t done it for themselves. So that is something I’ve been a bit more vocal about in recent years.
And again, the bigger perspective is if everybody can just point back to the individual and say, hey, this is how great they are, that’s a red flag. And I will mention two things of my own here, not necessarily for plugs, but it’s going to give you some of the strategy as to why I’ve done what I’ve done.
If you were to go to the website that I mentioned, worksmarthypnosislive.com, the majority of that page is other people talking.
About what they’ve done with the training.
Since they’ve gone through the training. We’re in a different reset phase right now in business where the Superlatives of world’s greatest and best effective and the leading instructor on the stuff that people say that they made up themselves and pulled out of their butts. That really isn’t working so well these days. You can’t just puff up your chest.
And say, this is a groundbreaking program.
You need to show people that it’s groundbreaking. So this is where a number of people in different industries have reached out.
To me over the last couple of years and go, hey, the stuff I was doing, it kind of stopped working. What’s going on? It’s like, well, market sophistication.
So one of the things that I’ve been politely yet political in my vocalization of is again, standing up for the fact that you need to speak to your audience in a way that now demonstrates what actually happens.
So I mentioned the worksmarthypnosislive.com page, I mentioned the www.doitnow.vip page, where again, it’s more other people talking about the results they’ve had going through my stuff rather than me puffing up the chest and patting myself jokingly on the back and telling you how awesome I think I am. Anyone can do that. When you let others speak for you, it proves what needs to be proved. So what do you need to stand up for? I’ll wait. Okay, waiting over point number five, when to hit the reset button. When telling someone no is the best thing you can do for them. I’m going to say a whole paragraph in one sentence. Sometimes people need to get used to the fact that you’re allowed to tell them no. Some of you needed to hear that. And it’s something that I need to remind myself of too.
And sometimes telling someone no is the best thing you can do for them. Now this kind of points back to the previous point about when the goal isn’t your goal. And I mean the opposite of what.
We do for these build out services that we now offer is that, well, here’s a person who had reached out yo go, I have zero interest in doing any work with my marketing. I don’t want to do any of it. Wants you to do it all and I can’t pay you, but you can take a percentage. I’m like, if you’re not excited about selling it, I can’t get excited about selling it either. And reality is running any segment of.
Your business to do it right, it begins as a full time job. And sometimes telling somebody no is the best thing you can tell them. Which of course now I have to go off on a random Tangent about the late Paul Rubens. Yes, indeed. Pee Wee Herman set aside what happened in part of his life story. Yet the origin of this was that Lorne Michaels, the producer, creator of Saturday Night Live, said to a young Paul Rubens, you know what? You really can’t make a career out of just doing one character.
So that’s why I don’t think you’re a fit for this show.
And so Paul Rubin set off to then prove that statement wrong, and he did. So that moment of being told no became that inspiration. It’s where a few of you out there have reached out to me over the years and go, what do you think about this project? And at times, I have been wonderfully encouraging to go, that’s amazing. That’s what everyone needs. You need to put that out there. And others, I’ve gone, yeah, wait, I just said the nice thing. Wait, no, you can’t do it.
I don’t believe in you. Prove me wrong. I don’t know what your motivational methods are, so you can do it, or no, you can’t. Just hear whichever one you need from me right now and use that to reset your own business and life moving forward. The final point on this one is probably the thing I’ve quoted more than anything else over the years, Steve Martin. When you’re ready to become so good, they can’t ignore you, There are conversations, and I’m going to say this next thing without any ego, without any puffing up behind it at all. There are conversations I’ve had over the years of people who showed up within.
This hypnosis industry and then kind of disappeared. Not for the sake of they put their heads down and they didn’t engage in the educational community anymore, but instead they came in and they had the potential to be the next big thing. They had the big thing that should have changed everything but because of their own internal stories.
They played small, they hid. They didn’t put their message out there. They didn’t stand up for what they believed in. They didn’t talk about it. They didn’t show. They didn’t tell either. So some of you are in that category of the next sort of lineup of leaders, the next roster of those household names within our very small community here.
So when you’re ready to become so good, they can’t ignore you. When you hit that place within your mind, that’s where the ought to’s becomes the musts, the things that you should do become the absolutes. So what’s that thing that you’re so excited about getting out there? What’s that audience that you know is desperate for someone like you to show upĀ and help them change their life? Are you ready to become so good.
They can’t ignore you? If so, stop holding back, stop playing small, and stop believing the story of what everyone else is saying. So let me recap these here because rather than go, oh, here’s what’s going on around me, here’s what can or can’t be done inside of any opportunity is that moment to make that new entrance. And sometimes it occurs by hitting that reset button when your procrastination isn’t procrastination, or when your comparison isn’t just about comparison, it’s something within yourself.
The biggest one here. Big bold print, royal purple letters highlighted. Perhaps when the goal you want isn’t your goal. That could have been the entire episode. When you’re ready to stand up for something, when telling someone no is the best thing you can do for them. And when you are ready to become so good they can’t ignore you. Hey there, it’s Jason. And once again, thank you so much.
For sharing this episode in your ongoing hypnotic conversations, as well as leaving your reviews online.
You can head over to worksmarthypnosislive.com to see the details of our reimagined Systems for Persuasive Hypnosis training event. If the dates of this next one.
Are good for you, awesome. Grab a spot sign up. If the dates are not good, still. Check out that page once again because we always have another of these right around the corner. And for those of you I I know this next invite may not be for everybody. That is not meant to be a takeaway sale or a thing to induce curiosity. But for those of you who are tired of playing small and ready to get your messages out there, and perhaps.
The technology or the speed of doing it yourself is a bottleneck. Head over to www.doitnow.vip, check out the stories of success on that page and complete the application to see what it looks like to get my help and my team’s help bringing your offer out to a winning audience. Check that out www.doitnow.vip thanks for listening to the Work Smart Hypnosis Podcast at worksmarthypnosis.com.