Session #67: Peter Blum on Neuroplastic Healing

Session #67: Peter Blum on Neuroplastic Healing

Peter Blum is an expert in neo-Ericksonian hypnosis, Neurolinguistics, and shamanic sound healing. He has worked with patients for over 30 years, as well as an instructor at the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc, teaching people the art and technique of neuroplastic healing and hypnosis. Peter’s techniques have helped thousands of people improve mental and physical health with impressive results.

Through his techniques, he has helped numerous people with learning how to manage stress, reduce the size of tumors and cancerous cells, and lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels. In today’s episode, Peter explains what Neuroplastic Healing is and how sounds, at certain frequencies, can be used to help people overcome obstacles in their everyday life.

Please welcome Peter Blum to the show!

  • Peter explains how he went from a newspaper journalist covering topics like metaphysics, meditation, and yoga to becoming interested and inspired by the hypnotherapy world.
  • He explains why he began using tuning forks in his practice and how they help “train your brain” through sound wave hypnotic therapy.
  • He shares the common theme he notices throughout his patient sessions.
  • Peter explains how the mind can influence the body by changing the biochemistry of the blood.
  • He shares information about the upcoming Pre-Convention WorkshopNeuroplastic Approaches to Health & Well-Beingthat he will be co-hosting with Michael Ellner.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Notable Conventions:

Books Mentioned In This Episode:

Pick up a copy of by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Get a copy of Trance-Formations: by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

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Podcast Episode Transcripts:

Peter Blum is an expert in neo-Ericksonian hypnosis, Neurolinguistics, and shamanic sound healing. He has worked with patients for over 30 years, as well as an instructor at the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc, teaching people the art and technique of neuroplastic healing and hypnosis. Peter’s techniques have helped thousands of people improve mental and […]
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