What is the Magnetic Hand Clasp and How Does it Work?

In the realm of hypnosis, where the mind dances between consciousness and suggestion, hypnotists employ various techniques to unlock the mysteries of the subconscious. One such technique is the magnetic hand clasp. This seemingly simple yet powerful demonstration is a tool professional hypnotists use to delve into the depths of the mind, either as a convincer of hypnotic phenomena or as a test for suggestibility in an individual.

Understanding the Magnetic Hand Clasp

The magnetic hand clasp is a helpful tool in any hypnotist’s toolkit. It is a tangible demonstration of the mind’s susceptibility to suggestion, showcasing the profound connection between the conscious and subconscious realms. Using ideomotor response, you can suggest thoughts that lead to involuntary physical movements. In this case, that movement is the drawing together of the subject’s hands.

The magnetic hand clasp is precisely what it sounds like. Using hypnotic suggestion, you convince a subject that their hands are connected by powerful magnets. The subject’s belief in the suggested magnetic pull compels their subconscious mind to respond to these magnets by bringing their hands together.

How to Perform the Magnetic Hand Clasp

  • Begin by asking the participant to place their hands out in front of them, palms facing each other, thumbs up. Demonstrate the proper position.
  • Instruct them to focus on the space between their hands and to feel the energy in that gap. Once they are aware of the energy, explain that what they feel is the pull of two powerful magnets on their hands. These magnets are pulling their hands toward one another. Ask them to close their eyes and focus on the energy between their palms.
  • If you want, you can tap a spot on each of their palms to simulate placing the magnets or pointing them out. This touch will create a physical sensation you can use to heighten the suggestion.
  • Explain that as they focus on that energy, the pull of the magnets gets stronger. Tell them the magnets’ attraction is pulling their hands together, slowly at first, then more and more powerfully.
  • Tell them they can not resist the power. The harder they try to fight them, the stronger the magnets become. As you instruct them that their hands are moving closer together, you can create a cadence, repeating the phrases “closer and closer” and “stronger and stronger.” This rhythm will help deepen the concentration and resulting trance.
  • At this point, their hands should be drifting toward one another. Tell them that they will lose strength in their arms once their hands touch. Their hands will fall into their laps. Inform them that their entire body will feel loose and soft as that happens. They will relax completely.
  • Instruct them to feel their body relax, warm and comfortable.
  • From there, you can deepen the hypnosis or end the session.
  • The final step in the process is to bring the participant out of their hypnotic trance. Instruct them to come out of hypnosis and tell them that their hands and everything will return to normal as they do.

As you train in hypnosis, you will understand the fundamental principles of the magnetic hand clasp. That will help guide you in wording your suggestions to make them most effective.

There are other versions of the magnetic hand clasp. You can experiment to find what works best for you. Some hypnotists like to start with the hands clasped, helped together by magnets or glue, which the participant can try and fail to pull apart. Others begin with hands clasped and index fingers extended about an inch apart, with the magnets drawing the fingers together. The fundamentals remain the same, with the participant focusing on the magnet’s power or binding force. You can experiment with what is most natural and comfortable for you.

You can also use the magnetic hand clasp on a group. It will help you demonstrate the power of hypnosis and assist you in determining which group members are open to hypnotic suggestion and which are highly resistant.

How to Use the Magnetic Hand Clasp in Your Hypnosis Business

You can use the hand clasp to demonstrate the effectiveness of hypnosis. Think of it like offering a test drive of hypnotism. If you are doing hypnosis for entertainment, such as on stage or in street shows, using these imaginary magnets can show your audience the power of hypnosis and your skill as a practitioner.

With individual clients, the magnetic hand clasp can help you gauge whether a potential client can achieve a hypnotic state or how difficult it may be to get them there.

If you notice a potential client or demonstration volunteer actively resists letting their hands touch, that is valuable information. For some reason, that person does not want to be hypnotized. This hesitance could be due to a lack of trust. If you are working with an individual, you can take this as an indicator that they need more time and work to become comfortable with you.

Active resistance could also indicate someone wanting to prove they are “above” hypnosis. Skeptics like this are extremely difficult to work with in a hypnosis setting. This might be the kind of client you choose not to work with. They certainly would not be a suitable volunteer for a quick hypnosis demonstration.

A Word of Caution

It is imperative to note that hypnosis to deal with challenges and trauma is a skill best left to the hands of trained professionals. You must keep in mind ethical considerations and concerns for the subject’s well-being. You can attempt the magnetic hand clasp as a light-hearted introduction to hypnosis but only perform therapeutic hypnosis if you are a trained, professional hypnotist.

The Takeaway

The magnetic hand clasp is a simple demonstration of the power of hypnosis. It can be a fun example of what hypnotism can achieve, especially when used by a certified hypnotist. But it can be more than that. It can help you build a relationship with new clients and introduce them to hypnotherapy in a low-stakes, approachable way. It can also help you determine who is a good candidate for hypnotism and who might be difficult or impossible to hypnotize.

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