What are the advantages and disadvantages of having online hypnosis sessions?

With the influence of the Covid Pandemic, many vital medical and mental health consultations moved online. And even though the pandemic has, for the most part, run its course, many people still prefer connecting over Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet, as opposed to in-person. Hypnosis experts say there are both pros and cons to online sessions. Read on to find out more:
Begum Uz

Begum Uz

Hypnotherapist at B Hypnotized.

Convenience, Home Sessions; Distraction and Unclear Boundaries

Unlike popular belief, hypnotherapy can actually be done safely and effectively through online channels. This is how many practitioners like me have been delivering successful hypnotherapy experiences internationally even before the Covid outbreak. Of course, online hypnosis sessions have advantages and disadvantages as well.

Convenience is the most important advantage online hypnosis sessions provide. Obviously no driving, no taking time off from work or kids. Additionally, you can do online hypnosis sessions in the comfort of your own home, which is an environment where you are naturally more relaxed. Oftentimes, when someone comes to our office, they may unconsciously feel more tense since they are coming to an unfamiliar environment, working with someone new, and most likely with a method they’ve never worked with before. All these can lead to physical and mental distress, altering the effects of hypnosis which can be avoided with online sessions.

On the other hand, if someone is not able to find a quiet and comfortable spot in their home for the session, I recommend coming in person to the office instead. Spotty internet, loud noises, pets or someone disturbing the session will affect the depth of hypnosis and the results of the session. Therefore, distractions and unclear boundaries in the home can be a significant disadvantage for online sessions.

No Rush on Client’s End; Interrupted Internet, Compromised Privacy

Pros of online sessions:

– For clients, it’s much more convenient than taking time out of the workday, driving through traffic to an office, paying for parking while still trying to be on time, and then doing the same thing all over again when they’re finished.
– After the session, the client can relax and process everything inside their own home or office. They aren’t being rushed out.
– There’s zero risk of catching or transmitting any kind of respiratory virus.

Cons to doing online sessions:

– For clients who don’t have privacy, a good internet connection, or comfortable seating, it’s a non-starter. Hypnosis offices are set up as ideal environments for hypnosis, while most homes and offices are not.
– Practitioners who are using Zoom, Skype, or similar services risk the client’s privacy being compromised.
– Practitioners need to invest in professional audio equipment and possibly acoustic treatment of their room, and many do not, which means that they could be harder to listen to and understand than if they were speaking in person.

There’s no argument for in-person being superior because of anything that physically happens between the hypnotist and the client (such as magnetic lines of force) because hypnosis is based on verbal suggestion. Sometimes clients feel more comfortable visiting a well-appointed professional office, but other clients feel more comfortable staying at home, so this point doesn’t go under either the pro or the con column.

Luke Chao

Luke Chao

Billy Parker

Billy Parker

Director at Gift Delivery Limited.

Cost-effective and Convenient; Not As Effective

The advantages of having online hypnosis sessions are numerous.

For starters, it is much more convenient for the client, as they do not have to travel to a physical location for their session. This also makes it easier for the hypnotist, as they can work with clients from anywhere in the world.

Additionally, online hypnosis sessions can be more cost-effective for both the client and the hypnotist, as there are no additional costs associated with travel or renting a physical space.

The main disadvantage of online hypnosis sessions is that they may not be as effective as in-person sessions.

It can be difficult to create a deep connection with the client when the session is conducted over a computer or phone.

Additionally, the hypnotist may not be able to pick up on subtle cues from the client if they are not in the same room.

Understanding the Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Hypnosis


1. Global Connectivity and Cultural Exchange
Online hypnosis sessions foster an extraordinary sense of global connectivity. Practitioners from various parts of the world can seamlessly share their expertise, allowing participants to explore an extensive range of modalities and approaches.

This global synergy creates a tapestry of knowledge, enhancing the richness and depth of the hypnosis experience, and broadening participants’ spiritual horizons.

2. Holistic Integration of Multimedia Elements
Online hypnosis sessions leverage the power of multimedia elements, such as soothing music, captivating visuals, and interactive exercises, to create a truly immersive and transformative experience. These multimedia components synergistically combine with the hypnotic process, enhancing its effectiveness and amplifying the desired outcomes.

3. Empowered Privacy
Many individuals feel more comfortable exploring their deepest emotions and vulnerabilities from the privacy of their own homes. Online hypnosis sessions provide a safe space for individuals to open up without the fear of judgment or social constraints. This increased sense of privacy often facilitates a deeper level of self-exploration and personal growth.

Cons of Online Sessions:

1. Limited physical presence and energetic connection
Online hypnosis sessions may lack the palpable energy and tangible connection that can be experienced in traditional in-person settings. The absence of physical proximity poses challenges in establishing a deep energetic connection between the practitioner and participant.

2. Technological vulnerabilities and distractions
The reliance on technology introduces potential vulnerabilities and distractions during online hypnosis sessions. Privacy concerns regarding personal information and data security must be addressed to ensure a safe and confidential environment for participants.

3. Bridge between virtual and physical realms
Online hypnosis sessions may struggle to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical realms. The absence of physical presence and the comforting touch of a practitioner can sometimes create a sense of disconnection for participants seeking a more tangible experience.

Raquel Rodriguez

Raquel Rodriguez

An astrologer and the founder of Your Zodiac.

Irene Tarroza

Writer of Archic Furniture.

Accessible Expertise, Flexibility; Technical Problems, Impersonal

Advantages of online hypnosis sessions:

1. Convenience: Online hypnosis sessions allow you to experience hypnosis from the comfort of your own home or any location of your choice. You can easily schedule sessions that fit your availability without having to travel.

2. Accessible expertise: Online sessions provide access to hypnotherapists or hypnotists who may be located in different geographical areas. This allows you to choose from a larger pool of professionals with diverse expertise and backgrounds.

3. Anonymity and privacy: If you prefer to keep your hypnosis sessions private, online sessions can offer a greater degree of anonymity. You can participate without worrying about running into someone you know in a physical location.

4. Flexibility: Online hypnosis sessions can be more flexible in terms of duration and frequency. It may be easier to find shorter sessions that fit your schedule or more frequent sessions, depending on your needs.

5. Comfortable environment: Being in a familiar environment during online sessions can create a sense of comfort and relaxation, potentially increasing the effectiveness of the hypnosis experience.

Disadvantages of online hypnosis sessions:

1. Technical issues: Connection problems, audio or video glitches, or other technical issues can disrupt the flow of the session and affect the overall experience. It’s important to have a stable internet connection and reliable equipment for optimal results.

2. Lack of physical presence: In traditional in-person hypnosis, the physical presence of the therapist can create a stronger sense of connection and trust. Online sessions may lack this physical interaction, which can affect the therapeutic relationship.

3. Distractions: Participating in online hypnosis sessions from home may expose you to potential distractions, such as noise from family members, pets, or other activities going on around you. Maintaining focus and creating an environment conducive to relaxation can be challenging.

4. Limited nonverbal cues: Online sessions may limit the visibility of nonverbal cues between the hypnotist and the client. This could potentially affect the depth of understanding and responsiveness during the session.

5. Technological Literacy: Participating in online hypnosis sessions requires basic technological skills to operate video conferencing platforms and navigate digital interfaces. Those less familiar with technology may face a learning curve. It’s important to weigh these pros and cons when considering online hypnosis sessions. Discussing your specific needs and concerns with a qualified hypnotherapist can help you make an informed decision.

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