Session #422: David Ruby on Evidence-Based Artistry

David Ruby on Evidence-Based Artistry

David Ruby is the creator of Fox Valley Hypnosis. A former medical librarian armed with a Master’s degree in Research, David first approached hypnosis out of skepticism. However, after studying a large body of research supporting the efficacy of hypnosis, he’s since then attended classes on hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming and earned a certificate in Life Coaching from Melissa Tiers’ Center for Integrative Hypnosis in New York. David’s approach is anchored on the history of hypnosis, the classic and modern-day hypnotists, and the advances made in the field—incorporating these elements in accordance with the specific needs of his clients.

David joins me today to describe his journey to the world of hypnosis and how his former work as a medical librarian shaped his evidence-based approach to hypnosis. He discusses evidence-based hypnosis and why it’s important to vet information on studies regarding the efficacy of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. He shares the story of how NASA developed a pen to write in space and underscores the importance of checking sources. David also explores how ancestral memory can be integrated into the work of hypnosis and how hypnotists can elevate each other.

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“The art is in the interaction—it’s not just about a script or a process; it’s about having a scientific understanding of how the mind works and about how the person in front of you is responding.” – David Ruby

  • How skepticism and a background as a medical librarian led David to the world of hypnosis
  • The day-to-day work of a medical librarian and how to be one
  • The caregiving and performance mindset and why David likes working with high-performing athletes
  • Evidence-based hypnosis and why it’s important
  • Catching the red flags of hypnosis studies
  • Blending the art and science of hypnosis
  • The core transformation practice and why David uses it
  • David’s group for evidence-based hypnosis and the value of anecdotal evidence
  • Where David sees evidence-based hypnosis moving in the future
  • Promoting hypnosis as a healing modality alongside traditional medicine

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David Ruby is the creator of Fox Valley Hypnosis. A former medical librarian armed with a Master’s degree in Research, David first approached hypnosis out of skepticism. However, after studying a large body of research supporting the efficacy of hypnosis, he’s since then attended classes on hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming and earned a certificate in […]
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