The Niche Secret

People often believe they have to do things one specific way to succeed. A great example is niching. Many hypnotists believe that they have to pick a niche to be successful. After all, everyone we know in the hypnosis industry, myself included, is known for one specific thing they do exceptionally well. But can I let you in on a little secret?

Nearly every single one of them also sees clients for other things.

Just because you become recognized as an expert in one specific area or niche does not mean you have to focus your business exclusively on that area. As business owners, we have the power – and permission – to run our hypnosis businesses however we choose; to explore new paths that may lead to success.

This week, I discuss a little-known secret about niching. I discuss why most hypnotists need to shift their mindset from ‘I need to niche’ to focus on offering services they’re most passionate and excited about. I explain how niching is typically used as a marketing strategy and business principle. I also explain why you shouldn’t let niching block you from exploring new passions, opportunities, and successes and share tips on how you can begin to ‘niche to get rich.’

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“Every single one of us has a right to run our hypnosis businesses the ways that we choose.” – Jason Linett

●     The mindset shift every hypnosis professional needs

●     Why I shifted the things I focus on in my hypnosis business

●     Offering the services you’re most passionate about

●     Using niching as a marketing strategy and business principle

●     Choosing the services you want to phase out of your business to open space for those you’re most passionate about

●     Finding the connection between your passion and the people and communities you already have access to

Resources Mentioned:

●     Hypnotic Peak Performance



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