WSH399 – Ongoing Hypnosis Clients

For most hypnosis professionals, clients come and go. You may have had a few sessions with them, but typically, these sessions do not last more than a few weeks or months. But occasionally, you may have a client that wants to see you more often. A client that wants ongoing service and support. And while this scenario may be an anomaly, it is one that we should prepare ourselves for and begin creating systems, processes, and protocols to support effectively.

This week, I share my thoughts on how you can set yourself up for success when a client needs ongoing hypnosis sessions. I share what I think you should do, what you should not do, and why it’s crucial to have protocols for offering long-term hypnosis services. I share examples of when you may need to suggest more ongoing sessions to a client and why not every client is ideal for ongoing hypnosis work. I also explain how to create flexible ongoing hypnosis session options that won’t overload your client with decision fatigue and why it’s important to understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy for helping your clients achieve hypnotic success.

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“In most cases, we begin with a brief process. If that’s all we need, fantastic. If there’s value in additional work – that’s always an option.” – Jason Linett

●     The difference between a brief intervention process and an ongoing intervention

●     How our egos impact our decisions

●     Understanding there are many ways to achieve hypnotic success when working with clients

●     Creating flexibility within otherwise rigid protocols

●     Creating session options without overloading your client

●     How to organically extend the hypnosis process when necessary


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