WSH408 – Joshua Wagner: From Priest to Hypnotist

Former Catholic priest turned entrepreneur, and hypnotist Joshua Wagner is a motivational speaker, media specialist, and certified hypnotist at Inspiring Hypnosis, a hypnosis business he founded in 2020. Joshua helps clients that are feeling stuck to find happiness and break free from trauma, anxiety, and negative thinking. He received his hypnosis certification from the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy in Toronto, Ontario, as well as a Bachelor’s degree from the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, where he graduated Cum Laude with a Major in Philosophy and minor in Classical Languages and Literature. After graduating, Joshua went on to receive his Bachelor of Sacred Theology from Pope John Paul II at the Pontifical North American College. He has also completed multiple business and organizational behavior courses as well as the National Speaker’s Association’s Pro-Track Course, where he was trained by some of the best speakers and consultants across a variety of industries.

Joshua joins me today to share his career journey from serving as a Roman Catholic priest to leaving the church and becoming an entrepreneur and hypnosis professional. We discuss how being exposed to hypnosis techniques as a child fostered his passion for language and words. We discuss the connection between hypnosis and marketing and how our faith and beliefs impact our reality. We also discuss his marketing strategies, how he learned to speak directly to each individual member of his audience — regardless of whether he’s speaking in-person or creating online content, and how TikTok has helped content creators capitalize on building meaningful connections and relationships with their audiences.

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“Everything is about faith. Everything is about what you believe.” – Joshua Wagner

●     Joshua’s first introduction to hypnosis

●     Why Joshua shifted his career from priesthood to entrepreneurship

●     Discovering NLP while serving as a Catholic priest

●     The similarities between hypnosis and the Catholic church’s practices

●     The power of faith and belief

●     Helping clients overcome trauma and anxiety

●     The connection between trauma, anxiety, and habits

●     Joshua’s marketing strategies

●     The importance of making eye contact

●     How TikTok helps content creators capitalize and amplify the feeling of connecting with their audiences on an individual level

Resources Mentioned:

●     YouTube: The Secret of Luck | Derren Brown’s The Experiment FULL EPISODE

●     Book: Re-Create Your Life by Morty Lefkoe

●     Lefkoe Institute

Connect with Joshua Wagner:

●     Inspiring Hypnosis

●     Recover from Trauma and Anxiety Program

●     Inspiring Hypnosis on LinkedIn

●     Inspiring Hypnosis on Instagram

●     Inspiring Hypnosis on Facebook

●     Inspiring Hypnosis on Twitter

●     Inspiring Hypnosis on YouTube

●     Inspiring Hypnosis on TikTok

●     Joshua Wagner on LinkedIn



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