Session #352: Jessi McAnelly on Jump-Starting Success

Session #352: Jessi McAnelly on Jump-Starting Success

Jessi McAnelly is a Certified Hypnotist and the Founder of Moon Hypnosis. With six months of hypnosis training, Jessi jumped straight into the work and attracted a flow of clients. She was formerly a freelance marketing writer, marketing implementation coach, and an internal editor and curator for Apple’s internal newsletter. Jessi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Performance from the University of Texas at Arlington and received her certification from the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy.

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Jessi joins me today to discuss how to jump-start your hypnosis success. She shares how she dove into hypnosis head first and how she got started with a steady flow of clients. She shares how a chance encounter while working as a freelance transcriptionist triggered a passion toward language, hypnosis, and NLP. Jessi reveals her transformation journey of going through hypnosis herself as a client and becoming more congruent as a human being in terms of her interactions. Jessi also highlights how she continuously tests and tweaks her business systems while helping people along the way.

“ Put yourself out there, even if it seems like the scariest thing. It is only scary until it is actually out there.” – Jessi McAnelly

  • How transcribing hypnosis material inspired Jessi to get formal training
  • Getting started, doing hypnosis for the first time, and how helping people also helps you
  • Accepting that you don’t need to be perfect; just show up and give it your full attention
  • Challenging your beliefs and perceptions and moving away from the ‘dollars for hours’ mindset
  • Putting a framework in place that allows you to make small changes and test your website and business systems
  • The lessons Jessi learned from working as a freelancer, including picking your clients and the work you enjoy
  • How Jessie’s website is attracting the clients that she wants to work with
  • Keeping it simple, having a clear message, and not trying to do it all at once

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Jessi McAnelly is a Certified Hypnotist and the Founder of Moon Hypnosis. With six months of hypnosis training, Jessi jumped straight into the work and attracted a flow of clients. She was formerly a freelance marketing writer, marketing implementation coach, and an internal editor and curator for Apple’s internal newsletter. Jessi holds a Bachelor’s degree […]
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