Session #273: Emma Romano on Massive Action

Session #273: Emma Romano on Massive Action

Emma Romano joins me today to share how massive action and bringing the client into the process can create immediate change in clients who feel stuck. She shares why it is essential to bring the client into the healing process to overcome emotional charges and limiting beliefs. Emma also reveals the issues she is helping people with now and the training she is offering other hypnotists, including how to work online and her Family Freedom Protocol.

Emma is the founder of HypnoSuccess and has a strong belief that everyone has the ability to thrive. Emma was diagnosed with debilitating MS, creating chronic fatigue, depression, and constant fear. After doctors informed her that she would soon be confined to a wheelchair, she took matters into her own hands and used hypnosis to heal herself. Today, Emma is a self-healing coach, mentor, and speaker, inspiring clients and hypnotherapist with her story. She has two children who have followed in her footsteps, working as hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners.

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“Whatever you believe in, your unconscious mind will prove you right.”- Emma Romano

  • Emma’s journey to healing herself of MS
  • How hypnosis can remove pain, stress, helplessness, and anxiety
  • A story of hypnosis releasing limiting beliefs and emotional charges
  • Bringing the client into the process to create massive immediate change at the conscious,
    unconscious, and cellular level
  • Different ways you can get clients to confirm change during your sessions
  • The issues that Emma is treating right now
  • How Emma is teaching hypnotherapists to work online
  • How to approach clients with the ‘I’m stuck’ mentality
  • Emma’s 15-step Family Freedom Protocol
  • Emma’s Timeline Reset technique for helping people with PTSD and trauma

Resources Mentioned:

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Podcast Episode Transcripts:

Emma Romano joins me today to share how massive action and bringing the client into the process can create immediate change in clients who feel stuck. She shares why it is essential to bring the client into the healing process to overcome emotional charges and limiting beliefs. Emma also reveals the issues she is helping […]
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