Session #423: Your Business Needs MOMENTUM

Your Business Needs MOMENTUM

Are you tired of being invisible to the people you know you could help? Are you done with not being able to reach out to the audience you want to serve with your amazing hypnosis skills? Have you had enough of not being able to connect with people you know could be your absolute dream client? If you want your business to consistently grow, you need to learn about the three things that will set your momentum toward success.

In this episode, I outline the three key elements you need to address to not only launch and maintain a business, but also to continue growing it. I discuss niching and getting clear on the problems you want to help your clients solve. I explain the importance of understanding who you are to your audience. I also underscore cultivating personal influence and highlight the three problems business owners regularly run into.

Let your business gain MOMENTUM. Head on over to to learn more about how you can use Profitable Persuasion, Inner Influence, and Message Makeover to set into motion your business success. Sign up today and use the promo code WSH to get 72% off your first month on the MOMENTUM program!

“Many of us look at the business side of things as a chore, but when you realize that it can be just as enjoyable and adventurous as serving your clients, that’s when you begin to thrive and gain momentum.” – Jason Linett

  • Notes on niching down your business
  • Remembering that entrepreneurs who have niched down also do other things
  • Putting yourself out there and getting engagement on your social media content
  • Getting clear on the problems you want to solve for your audience
  • Knowing who you are to your audience
  • The two ways to motivate change in people
  • Creating intentional relationships and connections for your business
  • Vanity metrics, becoming “internet rich,” and measuring the success of your business
  • The Premium Influence program at Attract Pre-Sold Clients
  • The MOMENTUM program, service, and community at Attract Pre-Sold Clients
  • The three foundations of the MOMENTUM program
  • The art of inner influence and why being an entrepreneur is an incredibly emotional journey

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Are you tired of being invisible to the people you know you could help? Are you done with not being able to reach out to the audience you want to serve with your amazing hypnosis skills? Have you had enough of not being able to connect with people you know could be your absolute dream […]
Work Smart Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training and Outstanding Business Success

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