WSH371 – Expand Your Team to Win Faster

When talking to entrepreneurs and hypnosis professionals about outsourcing, I often hear statements like “I can’t afford to outsource” or “I can just do it myself.” While you may be able to do it yourself, that doesn’t mean you should. Expanding your team by hiring more technically skilled professionals is the best – and fastest – way to grow your business.

Today, I share the four core team members you need to expand your team to win faster. I discuss the kind of mindset you need to prepare yourself for hiring new talent and how outsourcing has helped me grow my hypnosis business faster. I explain how outsourcing tasks to other highly-skilled people allows you to focus your time and energy on the things you do best – helping clients create positive change, creating hypnotic content, and building your hypnosis business. I also discuss when you should begin to consider outsourcing, the benefits of hiring a coach or mentor, and why every hypnosis professional needs to hire a bookkeeper/accountant.

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“If you really want to be expanding the pricing, if you really want to be expanding the reach of what you do – have someone else swoop in.”- Jason Linett

●     The mindset you need to start outsourcing tasks

●     How hiring more technically skilled people has helped me grow my hypnosis business faster

●     The four key positions you should consider outsourcing

●     Working with a graphic designer and web designer

●     Hiring an audio and video editor

●     When you should begin to consider expanding your team

●     The value of hiring a coach or mentor

●     Why you need to hire a bookkeeper/accountant

Resources Mentioned:

●     Outsourcing – Hypnotic Business Systems – HypnoThoughtsLIVE 2018

●     Adobe Audition

●     GarageBand

●     Audacity

●     Session #370 – Joshua Peters on X Factor Hypnosis

●     Session #317 – Traci Kanaan on Humor to Break Trance

●     Hypnotic Workers

●     Hypnotic Business Systems with Jason Linett – Facebook Group



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