Hypnosis Training Podcasts
Our Latest Episodes
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Session #116: Stin-Niels Musche on Hypnotic Amazement
Stin-Niels Musche is a hypnotherapist who lives in Hamburg, Germany. Coming from a sales training background, Stin...
Session #115: Chris Thompson on Clearing the Junk
Chris Thompson is an excellent hypnotist, a brilliant instructor, and a great mind when it comes to growing his...
Session #114: Get More Online Clients
Learn how to make more money as a hypnotist seeing clients around the world! The internet has truly changed the way we...
Session #113: Scott Sandland on Hypnotic Evolution
Founder of the HypnoThoughts website, Scott Sandland returns to the program this week to talk about how we began in...
Session #112: Real Client Stories
“Step inside of Jason Linett’s office in this week’s session.” Join me as I walk you through several real client...
Session #111: Time Management for Hypnotists
Are you a fan of having a daily routine scheduled as you go about your day? Or do you prefer the more casual...
Session #110: Throwaway Suggestions
Are you aware that a mere suggestion can change its meaning based on the context and manner of its delivery? More...
Session #109: Melissa Roth on Hypnotic Tenacity
Melissa Roth was first introduced to hypnosis when she was an undergrad through her friend’s father who wanted to...
Session #108: Dan Perez on Explosive Hypnotic Business
How can you explode your hypnosis business? What tools and strategies are simple enough for a new hypnosis...